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Kangliyuan takes the lead in launching the "Resumption of Work and Epidemic Prevention War"!
Release time:2020/2/22 17:38:10      The number of clicks:2698

At the critical juncture of the current epidemic prevention and control and the critical period when the company is about to resume work on a large scale, in order to further strengthen the epidemic prevention and control work and enhance the prevention and control awareness of the majority of employees, Kangliyuan has designed and produced an epidemic prevention and control publicity video to strengthen the awareness of employees. Epidemic prevention propaganda work to create a strong atmosphere for resuming work and epidemic prevention.

To ensure that enterprises resume work and production, epidemic prevention is the bottom line. Since the first day of resumption of work, Kangliyuan Company has firmly implemented various prevention and control measures from six aspects: environmental elimination, parking management, personnel management, canteen management, epidemic prevention publicity, and employee care to ensure the orderly and stable progress of resumption of work.

At the critical moment of the epidemic, Kangliyuan will work together and unite to win the battle against the epidemic prevention and control and the defense of sustained economic development!

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